When the Heart Becomes Aerodynamic

"But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed."
— Luke 5:16
Before we accept Christ, our hearts are as aerodynamic as a brick — solid, heavy, and resistant to movement. A brick has its uses. It can build, it can block, and it can endure. But it cannot glide. It cannot rise or lift. It is bound by the forces of gravity, anchored to the ground and confined to this world.
A brick cannot transcend. It cannot reach the spiritual realm because it lacks the design to do so. Its weight, while useful for earthly structures, becomes a limitation when the goal is to rise above the weight of the world.
In many ways, this is how our hearts function before knowing Christ. They are hardened, dense with experiences, pain, and self-reliance. They might serve us well in earthly matters — in careers, survival, or even in relationships — but they remain grounded, incapable of lifting beyond the limits of the physical world.
A Heart Transformed
But when we accept Christ, something extraordinary happens. Our hearts are reshaped, softened, and refined. Christ’s love begins to strip away the heaviness, smoothing out the jagged edges that once created resistance. Through Him, the very gravity that once held us down no longer has the same grip.
In Christ, we transcend.
Where a heart like a brick meets the world with resistance, a heart transformed by Christ moves with purpose and grace. It no longer needs to stand against every hardship with sheer force. Instead, it begins to rise above those hardships, cutting through them with forgiveness, love, and understanding.
A Spiritual Reality
This isn’t just metaphorical. It’s spiritual reality. Christ teaches us that to soften the heart is to gain the kind of strength that defies gravity — the weight of sin, fear, and the burdens of the world.
A soft heart, shaped by grace, can ascend beyond the tangible into the realm where God operates.