Christ’s AR

The Limitations of Technological Augmentation
Augmented reality, in the technological sense, is both superficial and unnecessary. Our phones and devices already provide us with all the information we need, while still allowing the option to disconnect. Overlaying the beauty of the natural world with artificial imagery and graphics feels intrusive. Why clutter something so rich and profound?
A Deeper Kind of Augmentation
True augmentation doesn’t come from technology but from transformation—specifically, the transformation that comes through Christ. When I became a Christian, it was as though my life began receiving a series of spiritual updates. Each update changed how I saw, felt, and experienced the world, shifting my focus inward to a deeper reality.
A Transformed Relationship with Music
One striking change was my relationship with music. I used to enjoy a Swedish metal band called Meshuggah, whose heavy, complex sound resonated deeply with me during a different phase of life. But as I grew in Christ, I realized that the person I was becoming no longer found comfort or meaning in that music.
Why the Change?
It wasn’t just a shift in taste—it was a shift in need. I no longer required an outlet for my frustration. Where that music once helped me process or externalize those emotions, I discovered that Christ now absorbed my frustration. He lifted the weight I had carried, making me lighter and at peace. Without the desire to express that frustration externally, I lost the connection I once had to music that reflected it.
True Augmentation Through Christ
This transformation is the true augmented reality. It doesn’t add artificial layers to the world but transforms the person experiencing it. Through Christ, I now see the world as it truly is—uncluttered, peaceful, and whole. And in this renewed reality, there is no room for the heaviness I once carried.